
Welcome to the Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership pages for professionals.

From here you can access pages about (in alphabetical order):

100 Days of Safeguarding

Adoption in Merseyside Support

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and Trauma Informed Practice


Babies Cry, You Can Cope – ICON for Professionals

Case Reviews -SCR’s, CSPR’s and Learning Reviews

Case Reviews – Themes from local Merseyside reviews

Case Studies and Good Practice (submission form)

CE Awareness Day

CE Awareness – #LookCloser campaign

Child Abuse Campaign

Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP)

Child Exploitation

Child Sexual Abuse

Child Performance Licensing

Children of Prisoners

Chronology Guidance for Professionals

Contextual Safeguarding

Contextual Safeguarding Survey

Community Volunteers during Covid-19

Covid-19 Impact on Children and Young People


Dentists and Safeguarding

Disrespect Nobody Campaign

Dogs and Children

Domestic Abuse

Early Help and Support for Families

Elective Home Education

Engaging with Hard to Reach Families

Families First For Children Pathfinder

FFC Pathfinder FAQ’s

Gillick Competence and Fraser Guidelines

Graded Care Profile2

Harmful Gambling and Gaming

Harmful Practices

Harmful Sexual Behaviour

Health Economy Structure

Internet Safety

Joint Targeted Area Inspections (JTAI)


Learning and Improvement

Learning Events

Learning from Audits

Let’s Talk Pants Campaign

Managing Allegations (LADO)


Mental Capacity Act

Missing Children

Modern Slavery and Trafficking

National Multi-agency Child Protection Standards


Notifiable Incidents

Notification of a Child placed in Wirral

Operation Encompass

Parental Conflict

Perplexing Presentations and FII

Prevent – Radicalisation and Extremism

Private Fostering

Professional Curiosity

Safeguarding Update – latest news, updates on priorities and activities

Safeguarding Responsibilities of Children’s Homes

Safeguarding Responsibilities of Sports Clubs and Organisations

Safeguarding Responsibilities of Housing Services

Safeguarding Responsibilities for the Voluntary, Charity, Social Enterprise, and Private Sector

Safeguarding for Tutors

Safe Internet use – Guidance for Staff

Safer Recruitment Guidance

Safer Sleep

Sandbox – Wirral toolkit and service directory

Section 11 and 175

Seen and Heard Campaign

SENDLO – Wirral’s Local SEND Offer 

SFEF – Daily Lived Experience

SFEF Online Training Resources

Substance and Alcohol Misuse

Supporting Families Enhancing Futures (SFEF Main Page)

Systemic Practice Hub

System Wide Family Approach

Thresholds of Need

Tools for Professionals

Violence Against Women and Girls

Voice of Children and Young People

Wirral Sandbox toolkit website for Professionals

Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023)

Young Carers


Links (pages open in a new tab):

WSCP Safeguarding Procedures

WSCP Multi-agency Training (training log in required)





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