Children and Young People


Welcome to the Safeguarding Partnership pages for children and young people. Also see the Wirral Zillo Website for children and young people

From here you can access information about:

Accommodation Sufficiency Strategy for Children in Care and Care Leavers

Body Image


Child Exploitation

Children’s Guide to Coronavirus (Covid 19)

Concerned about Yourself or Someone Else


Domestic Abuse

Drugs and Alcohol

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Family Toolbox – tips and tools for family life in Wirral

Going Back to School Guide

Hate Crime and Mate Crime

Help and Support Contacts

Helpline for Children who feel Unsafe or Worried

Information About You

Knife Crime

Local Offer for Children with Disabilities

Mental Health

Mental and Emotional Health Support Line

Metro Mayor Event Report – Covid 19

Olivia’s Blog

Online Safety

Railway Danger

Safe Havens

Self Harm

SENDLO – Wirral’s Local SEND Offer 


Spotlight on County Lines Questionnaire for young people

Staying Safe 

Violence Against Women and Girls

Young Carers

Zillo Website for Children and Young People


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