Safer Recruitment Guidance


Organisations who work with or on behalf of children and young people need to be vigilant in their recruitment, selection and retention of staff. Abusers will target these organisations and be extremely adept at presenting themselves as caring and trustworthy individuals. Some indicators of abusive behaviour can emerge through inappropriate attitudes or inconsistent reactions and a vigorous recruitment and selection process provides important opportunities to deter and prevent offenders from gaining access to children and young people through their work.

Establishing effective recruitment and selection procedures requires time, careful preparation and skill. The multi-agency guidance document below has been prepared by the WSCP for use in any organisation which employs or contracts the services of paid workers or volunteers.

The material contained in this pack has regard to the guidance contained in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 which states that n which it is stated that:

Organisations should have in place safe recruitment practices and ongoing safe working practices for individuals whom the organisation or agency permit to work regularly with children, including policies on when to obtain a criminal record check’

Multi-agency Guidance

7 Minute Briefing


The WSCP offers a multi-agency Safer Recruitment training course, free for all professionals in Wirral:

Safer Recruitment Multi-Agency Training


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