Concerned about a child
If a child or young person is at risk of harm, abuse or neglect please report it to the Wirral Integrated Front Door Team:
Mon-Fri, 9:00am – 5.00pm Tel: 0151 606 2008
Outside of these hours Tel: 0151 677 6557
E-mail: [email protected]
Concerns about a child Flowchart
See also – Wirral’s Thresholds of Need (opens in a new window)
How to Make a Referral
Referrals are now made by completing an online form. There is a form for non-Council employees and a form for Council employees.
1. Non-Council Employees – professionals from partner agencies (i.e. those without a wirral.gov email address.
To access the form professionals from all partner agencies need to register on the Council system by following this link:
Multi-agency referral form for partner agencies
A guidance document for partner agencies is available here:
Electronic MARF form User Guide (for external partners)
2. Council employees – (those with a wirral.gov email address) should follow this link:
Multi-agency referral form for Council staff
A guidance document for Council staff is available here:
Electronic MARF form User Guide (for council employees)
If at any time you believe a child is being harmed or at immediate risk of harm always dial 999.
IFD Service Specification (April 2019):
IFD Information Sharing Agreement (January 2019):
Please also see the WSCP Protocol and Agreement for the Sharing of Information to Safeguard Children and Young People
Merseyside Police have a nationwide Crimestoppers telephone number which colleagues from partner agencies and members of the public can use to report intelligence.
The Crimestoppers number is 0800 555 111 (website: https://crimestoppers-uk.org/). Crimestoppers can be used to report intelligence which will support action to combat CSE, such as information about suspected perpetrators. However, it must not be used to report safeguarding concerns about individual children. These must be reported to the Integrated Front Door (0151 606 2008) in line with safeguarding procedures.
Children’s Services Call Handling in the Local Authority
Calls made to the Integrated Front Door on the 0151 6062008 number will be answered as follows. Callers will be provided with four options:
- If you would like to speak to a Children’s Social Care Worker regarding an open case, please press 1
- If you are worried about a child or young person who could be at risk of harm and would like to report your concerns, please press 2
- If your enquiry relates to fostering and adoptions, please press 3
- If your call is in relation to the Disabilities Team, please press 4.
The out of hours Emergency Duty Team number is 0151 6776557.