Wirral Safeguarding News

21 April 2023

Child Ollie Safeguarding Practice Review

21 April 2023

The review was published on the 21st April 2023. The review centres on the tragic death of 9 week old baby Ollie who dies as a result of injuries accidentally sustained when co-sleeping with a parent on a sofa at home. Analysis of Ollie’s urine revealed the presence of cocaine...

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18 April 2023

Child Noah Safeguarding Practice Review

18 April 2023

The review was published on the 18th April 2023. This case looks at how well different organisations worked with a family whose children had previously been subject to child protection and child in need plans. In this case the unexpected death of 3 year old Noah at home was treated...

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17 April 2023

Section 11/175: Topic 6 is now LIVE

17 April 2023

Topic 6: Local Priorities & Learning Section 11 Section 175 (for schools and colleges only ) Deadline: 9th May 2023

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20 March 2023

National CE Awareness Day

20 March 2023

The 18th March was national CE awareness day. Please visit our CE Day webpage: https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/ce-awareness-day/ ...and our #LookCloser campaign page: https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/ce-awareness-look-closer-campaign-27th-feb-3rd-march/  

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17 March 2023

Safer Sleep Week – Key message 5

17 March 2023

#safersleep week Smoking cigarettes during pregnancy or after birth can significantly increase the risk to your baby . Around 30% of sudden infant deaths could be avoided if mothers didn’t smoke when they were pregnant. Taken together with the risks of smoking around a baby at home, this means that...

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