Wirral Safeguarding News

20 October 2021

100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 14 – Accidents in the Home II

20 October 2021

Today's safeguarding message is the second in our series about preventing accidents in the home - particularly to young children. More information and guidance for parents and carers is on our website: https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/safety-in-the-home/  

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19 October 2021

100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 13 – Learning from Local Reviews

19 October 2021

Today's safeguarding message is a summary of the themes, learning and recommendations from 14 reviews undertaken by the WSCP between 2016 and 2021: Case Reviews - Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership

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18 October 2021

100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 12 – Young Carers

18 October 2021

Day 12's safeguarding message is a short briefing for professionals about Young Carers. It includes a definition of Young Carers, key facts and figures, signs a child might be a Young Carer, the impact of Covid, and how professionals can help. It also includes details of the Barnardo's Young Carers...

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15 October 2021

100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 11 – Safety in the Home I

15 October 2021

Today's safeguarding message is the first in a series of three about safety in the home, and particular dangers facing younger children: Safety in the Home - Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership

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14 October 2021

100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 10 – Danger of falling fire surrounds

14 October 2021

Locally and nationally there have been many examples, including two recent fatalities in Merseyside, of deaths and injuries to young children caused by poorly installed fire surrounds falling on them: Falling Fire Surrounds - Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership

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