Safeguarding Health Check
What to expect:
The safeguarding health check provides an independent evaluation of the robustness of the safeguarding procedures, arrangements and the ‘safeguarding culture’ of a setting. Prior to visiting, the Education Officer will carry out a document review and a website check. The support includes a ½ day on site meeting the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), with leaders, speaking to governors or key staff (where possible), and completing a document review. During the visit the Education Officer will carry out an evaluation of the settings systems and procedures for managing allegations. Following the visit, the Education Officer will provide a follow up report with recommendations and an action plan (where applicable).
Pre-visit off-site preparation:
The Education Officer will conduct
- Documentary review including setting policies and previous inspection report
- Website check
- Setting self-evaluation review (Ofsted reports, etc)
Setting visit on-site will include:
- An interview with the DSL who has responsibility for safeguarding on site (or equivalent member of the senior leadership team)
- A ‘safer recruitment’ review including single central record
- A safeguarding policy and other relevant documentation review
- An evaluation of setting systems and procedures for managing allegations
- Support to determine whether safeguarding systems and procedures are clear to all
- A check to ensure records are being stored appropriately
The Education Officer will support each setting to scrutinise existing policies, procedures and practice; to identify areas for improvement through challenge and reflection. This will provide advice and guidance on topics agreed with the client.
By the end of the review the setting will have:
- An independent evaluation of the effectiveness of the safeguarding procedures and practice.
- An action plan making suggestions about how to improve aspects of provision and thus ensure procedures are as rigorous as they can be.
- A report is compiled identify strengths of provision and any recommendations to improve/ develop practice within an action plan developed with the setting during the health check. Included will be:
- Points for immediate action / Improvements to make in the medium term
- Areas of good practice
- Strategies and ideas to help you to improve your practice.
Safeguarding support is a service that will be of interest to all settings, their management teams, committees or business leads and is intended to support settings with their safeguarding arrangements.
Total cost for the ½ day Health Check is: £500.00
To book your Safeguarding Health Check please email: Amanda Waterfall.