100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 56 – ACES

The topic for day 56 of 100 days of Safeguarding is Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). ACEs are stressful or traumatic events that happen in childhood and can affect people as adults. They include events that affect a child or young person directly, such as abuse or neglect. ACEs also include things that affect children indirectly through the environment they live in. This could be living with a parent or caregiver who has poor mental health, where there is domestic abuse, or where parents have divorced or separated. ACEs can be single events, long-term or repeated experiences.

WSCP has published ACEs and trauma informed practice resources here: https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/adverse-childhood-experiences-aces/ including information about understanding the impact of ACES on the body.

WSCP has also published a 7 minute briefing for ACEs, and one to summarise the findings of a recent multi-agency audit. 100 Days Day 56.1 ACES 7 minute briefing
100 Days Day 56.2 ACES 7 min Learning from audit


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