Training Charging Policy


All of the multi-agency training provided by the WSCP is offered at no cost (there is however a charge for some third party training). However, professionals will be charged for non-attendance (see below).

Registration and Application

To register for the WSCP please follow the instructions on the course booking page. The following guide also explains how to register:

WSCP Website Training Booking Guidance

For schools and colleges, use the following guidance:

WSCP Website Training Booking Guidance for Schools and Colleges

Application for the WSCB training is made directly from the website. Before applying you must have discussed your application and gained approval from your line manager. To apply complete the online form, and you will receive an automated e-mail confirming you have been allocated a place.


You must cancel any bookings as soon as possible (and at least 3 days before the course) if you cannot attend. Applicants ‘home’ agency will be charged for non- attendance at multi-agency safeguarding training. This includes both face-to-face training and training delivered online (e.g. via Teams) The charges are:

  • £50 for courses or briefings up to half a day long
  • £90 for full day courses
  • For schools, colleges and educational providers, you will be charged the full cost of the course.

To cancel your place on a course, please click on the link at the bottom of the original confirmation e-mail received on booking. If you have any difficulties with this process please click here and provide details. Attendance at training is only proven by signing in.

Please familiarise yourself with our terms and conditions:

By applying for training delivered by or on behalf of the Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership you are agreeing to our terms and conditions which in summary are:

  • You agree to attend the training or cancel at least 3 working days before the event if you cannot attend.
  • If you are unable to attend another colleague from your organisation may attend the training in your place (if it is appropriate for them to do so)
  • If you do not give adequate notice and/or a colleague doesn’t attend in your place your organisation will be charged for non-attendance at the amounts detailed below. This also applies if you are ill on the day of the training.
  • Attendees must sign in to prove attendance
  • In order to gain a certificate of attendance you must attend the full session. If you leave a session early you will not be sent a certificate.
  • Ensure you are there in plenty of time for the start of the session. If you are more than 15 minutes late you will not be allowed entry and this will be recorded as a non-attendance.
  • You agree to participate in the safeguarding partnership evaluation of the impact of your attendance at the course – this will include your agreement to complete impact questionnaires immediately following the training and 3 months after the training with attendance at a focus group 4-6 months after attendance.
  • You agree to participate in the training and to abide by the ‘ground rules’ established at your course.
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