Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards are key pieces of legislation which should be considered within all aspects of Adults Safeguarding work. Professionals working with those with care and support needs should ensure they understand local policies and procedures.

The Wirral MCA and DoLS policies can be found at

For further information and guidance please visit any of the information sites listed below;

Mental Health Law Online

This is free site. It has a number of resources mainly relating to case law. It provides an update service that you can sign up to. There is also a discussion forum.
39 Essex Street

A barristers chambers that provides a monthly newsletter relating to case law.
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)

A very good page that has access to numerous resources, including MCA online training and discussions relating to practice. There is guidance on undertaking capacity assessments and making best interest decisions.
The Small Places

Managed by Dr Lucy Series. She discusses the MCA. You can sign up to the blog. The site is currently blocked by the Council’s software but I have requested it is unblocked.

Mental Health CoP

Put together by Inspector Mike Brown of West Midlands Police. It is aimed at police officers dealing with mental health and mental capacity issues. You can sign up to an update.
British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII)

It reports on details of cases in England and Ireland.
Peter Edwards Law

Peter produces a newsletter that you can sign up to. It is produced on an occasional basis.

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